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Report published on next steps for Parliament following rejection of Withdrawal Agreement

Date:21 JAN 2019
Third slide

The European Union Committee has published a report on the next steps for Parliament following the rejection of the Withdrawal Agreement. The report calls for indicative votes to offer opportunity to try and find an option supported by the majority. The MPs should also be able to vote on extending Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union (TEU) if Parliament cannot reach an agreement before 29 March 2019.

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Alongside the report published by the European Union Committee, the House of Lords European Union Committee has written to Department for Exiting the European Union Minister, Chris Heaton-Harris. The Committee highlights concerns over the government’s no-deal planning and casting doubt on a ‘managed no deal’.

In addition, another report has been published on the EU assurances to the UK on Brexit. It covers what the EU has offered through clarifications and assurances on the backstop and whether the EU would offer an extension to Article 50.

Source: Press release: Response to the vote on the Withdrawal Agreement and Political Declaration: Options for Parliament   
