Cafcass this week welcomes a new Chief Executive. Jacky’s appointment was announced in May this year and she has since been concluding her role as Director of Children’s Services at the London Borough of Bexley.
Cafcass is the largest employer of social workers in the country and gives independent advice to the family court in England on what is safe and in the best interests of children who are the subject of family proceedings. As the Chief Executive, Jacky will lead Cafcass social workers and corporate staff in achieving the best possible outcomes for children, young people, their families and carers, who are engaging with the family courts. The strategic leadership role is accountable to the Cafcass Board, the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) and to Parliament.
Jacky joins Cafcass as it launches its refreshed strategic plan, setting the direction for Cafcass over the next four years until 2023. The plan has been developed over several months informed by the views of staff and partners. Setting out a collective vision and values, the strategy looks outwards, with the aspiration of working more closely with partners and families to improve the experiences and outcomes for children, parents and carers involved with the family justice system.
The strategy sets out three broad strategic goals:
One of Jacky’s early priorities will be to implement the new strategy, build on past successes and sustain effective practice within the organisation so that families are well engaged, children’s experiences are well understood and remain central and significant in all Cafcass work.