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Stephen Williams, St Mary’s ChambersDDJs sitting in civil work undertake a large bulk of administrative work in boxwork.  This work realistically keeps the wheels of the County Court turning....
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Emma Vincent, Barrister, New Court ChambersThe term ‘good enough’ parenting has become a standard against which the court evaluates the ability of parents and wider family members to parent and care...
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Simon Bruce, Dawson Cornwell LLPThere is a switch on the dashboard of my car which I can press in order to reach a steady speed on the motorway. With no deviation, hesitation or variation.It’s very...
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Jo O’Sullivan, O’Sullivan Family LawMaeve Lucey, Solicitor, BindmansMelissa Arnold, Partner, BindmansJo O’Sullivan, of O’Sullivan Family Law and Melissa Arnold and Maeve Lucey, of Bindmans LLP,...
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Sarah-Jane Riddell, Solicitor, Collaborative Lawyer and Mediator, Family Law Partners This article provides an introduction to the collaborative process including how it works, when it...
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Andrea Watts, 1KBW ChambersThis three-part discussion examines the role and impact of the Family Drug and Alcohol Court (FDAC) in care proceedings, highlighting its holistic approach to supporting...
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Laura Williams, Garden Court Chambers, Family Law TeamThe case of Re A, decided in July 2024, is a rare and possibly unique example of the Family Court making an order for post-adoption contact...
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Tina Cook KC, 42 Bedford RowThis article considers the importance of medical and genetic research in shining light into possible causes of fractured bones in suspected non accidental injury allegation...
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Mary Welstead, Visiting Professor in Family law University of BuckinghamIn a complex judgment, relating to the forced marriage of SA, a seriously mentally impaired woman, Moylan LJ recounted...
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Elizabeth Wark, Barrister, 3DJBThree recent decisions considered whether a Nuptial Agreement (‘NA’) should be upheld. The contexts were varied: in one before a District Judge, the parties were middle...
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