Our articles are written by experts in their field and include barristers, solicitors, judges, mediators, academics and professionals from a range of related disciplines. Family Law provides a platform for debate for all the important topics, from divorce and care proceedings to transparency and access to justice. If you would like to contribute please email emma.reitano@lexisnexis.co.uk.
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Version 3 of ‘The Remote Access Family Court’ published

Date:6 APR 2020
Third slide
The Courts and Tribunals Judiciary has published the third version of The Remote Access Family Court.
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Family Law Awards 2023
Winners announced!
Jackson's Matrimonial Finance Tenth Edition
Jackson's Matrimonial Finance Tenth Edition
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Family Law Precedents Service
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This version includes the new HMCTS guidance on remote platforms, access for vulnerable parties and reference to FPR r 3.4 as raised by the FLBA.

The latest version can be found here.
