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The Family Court, contempt and the press

Date:17 SEP 2015
Third slide
Designated Family Judge for Avon, North Somerset and Gloucester

See also

In this article HHJ Wildblood QC considers the procedure in Family Court hearings when allegations of contempt arise and how such hearings provide the press with a rare opportunity to report upon the workings of the Family Court.

The article examines the need for there to be an understanding within the court of the important role that the press may play and how the press officers need to be helped to understand what they may publish and why things are being done by the court in the way that they are.

As the author says ‘it is the essential prerogative of the independent press and intelligent comment provides a judge with rare feedback. The press who are the eyes and ears of our society cannot be blamed if the court does not explain itself properly ’.

The issues considered in the article are placed in the context of the developing...

Read the full article here.

Family Law