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Problems with Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards can only be resolved by reform of the law, says report
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The Law Commission has published an
interim report proposing that t
he problems with the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) can be resolved only by wholesale replacement of the DoLS and reform of the law. The interim report, part of its
Mental Capacity and Deprivation of Liberty project, follows an extensive, 4-month consultation during which the Law Commission attended 83 events across England and Wales, and received 583 written responses.
The interim report is intended to update stakeholders on the key issues that have emerged at consultation and some initial conclusions. The report also provides a background to the project, a summary of provisional proposals and details of the public consultation.
The final report with recommendations and a draft Bill is expected to publish in December 2016.
The interim report is available to download
Mental Capacity
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