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NFJO publishes report on supervision orders in care proceedings

Date:4 MAY 2021
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The Nuffield Family Justice Observatory (NFJO) has published a report following its survey into the use of supervision orders in care proceedings. The survey focused on supervision orders made for children who had either returned home at the end of care proceedings, stayed at home or been returned during proceedings. 
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The survey received a total of 301 responses from a range of legal and children’s social care professionals, as well as parents. According to NFJO, majority of the respondents are in favour of keeping supervision orders, but many of the respondents made it clear that the orders could be made 'more effective and robust'. The report includes suggestions for changes to improve the effectiveness of supervision orders which will contribute to the existing review of supervision orders being carried out by a sub-group of the President of the Family Division’s Public Law Working Group.