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NAGALRO issues tool to assess suitability of family and friends to supervise contact

Date:26 NOV 2021
Third slide
The Professional Association for Children's Guardians, Family Court Advisers and Independent Social Workers (NAGALRO) has issued a supervision of contact tool for assessing wider family and friends to support contact.
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The tool is downloadable as a Microsoft Word template and has been drafted to assess the suitability of a friend or family member by reference to a combination of factors, including family relationships, the availability of resources, clarity about what is expected and a range of diversity issues. 

The tool is designed to ensure that all relevant areas are covered and that there is clarity about what is required. It can be used to prepare for an interview, as a checklist following an assessment, or as a guide for a written report. If more than one family member is responsible for the supervision, each family member's capacity must be assessed. Further guidance on completing the tool can be found at the end of the Word template, including as to the reasons for the supervision or support and the advantages of supervision or support by family members as well as the advantages of a professional supervisor, although the tool is not designed to assess whether supervision by a professional is most appropriate. 

You can find the tool here.
