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A day in the life Of...
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A day in the life of ... Alex Verdan QC

Date:16 MAY 2018
Third slide
Head of Chambers

Alex Verdan QC is Head of Chambers at 4PB, winner of the Family Law Chambers of the Year – London Award at the Family Law Awards 2017.

What is your position and what do you do on a day-to-day basis?

Head of Chambers at 4PB. As a barrister I specialise in complex children cases, particularly relocations. I am in court nearly every day and on the side try and find time to respond to hundreds of emails. 

How long have you been in this role and what brought you here?

5 years as head of chambers. 30 years plus a barrister. That is too long a story.

Any memorable stories from your career so far?

Yes and my five volumes of memoirs are full of them (still looking for a publisher). The day I was fiddling with a Bic biro whilst addressing a district judge and the biro split in two with half of it flying across the court and hitting the judge is till up there as a favourite

What is the best and worst part of the day for you?

Winning an argument in court. Drafting the order.

Read the full article here.