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Why 'no fault divorce' could help join the dots between divorce law and tax law

Date:27 FEB 2017
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It is now February 2017 and the current tax year will end on 5 April 2017. Isn't it gloomy in the world of politics? The combination of the outcome of Brexit and the fascination with the latest news on the Trump administration are enough to worry even the most optimistic of us.

Those things are happening ‘out there’. But what if your main concern is the final realisation that your marriage or civil partnership is definitely over?

Yet again the government has said that it will not be putting forward a reform of divorce law to allow spouses (or civil partners) to apply for divorce within 2 years of separation unless they are prepared to allege fault. For opposite sex couples that means alleging either adultery or unreasonable behaviour. For same sex couples the only fact to rely on is unreasonable behaviour. Since for most of us the fact of adultery is proof of unreasonable behaviour essentially all married couples are in the same boat. Unlike much of the world we insist that unhappy people concentrate on the past faults in the marriage. In February...

Read the full article here.