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Who needs a lawyer, anyway? Limited retainers, financial remedies and drafting consent orders
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Minkin v Landsberg [2015] EWCA Civ 1152
Drafting a consent order: How hard can it be?
- What is the extent of a solicitor’s duty to advise 'in circumstances where the parties [have] reached agreement and solicitors [are] being asked to put that agreement into proper form for approval by the court' (para [31])?
- Will a limited retainer – limited to drafting a Form E or to drawing up a consent order but not advising as to merits – protect a solicitor from a subsequent negligence claim?
- Is it the job of the court to re-draft consent orders handed up by unrepresented parties to ensure that every angle and future eventuality has been considered?
- Will a court 'rubber-stamp' an agreement?
In Minkin v Landsberg [2015] EWCA Civ 1152 Jackson LJ dismissed an appeal from a...
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