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Transforming the services of the Office of the Public Guardian: enabling digital by default

Date:21 AUG 2014
Third slide
Senior Editor
The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) has published its response to the consultation "Transforming the services of the Office of the Public Guardian - enabling digital by default", which ran from 15 October 2013 to 26 November 2013.

The consultation paper considers the next phase of the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) transformation programme, describes changes to lasting powers of attorney (LPA) forms, outlines plans for access to the OPG registers and explores some of the future changes that the OPG may seek to make within the next few years.

The response covers:
  • the background to the consultation paper; 
  • a summary of the responses to the consultation paper; 
  • a detailed response to the specific questions raised; and 
  • the next steps following this consultation.
Click here to view the Consultation response.
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