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The new unions of civil partnerships and same-sex marriages in England and Wales– a demographic approach to developments

Date:21 AUG 2023
Third slide
John Haskey FAcSS AKC University of Oxford Department of Social Policy and Intervention


This article considers the new formalised unions of civil partnerships and same sex marriages and appraises the most recent available statistical evidence on trends and characteristics of the couples involved. Trends in the numbers of civil partnerships and marriages are reviewed and the changes resulting from the introduction of the new options. There was a backlog of couples who took up the option of the first new union same sex civil partnerships as soon as they became available. With the advent of same sex marriages the number and seasonal pattern of same sex civil partnerships altered considerably and nine months after the first same sex marriage was solemnised it became possible to convert one’s civil partnership into a same sex marriage. The subject of extra conversions is briefly discussed. The rates of formation of the new unions are traced and the differentials explored between women couples and men couples. Two of the key demographic factors with partnerships and marriages - age at registration/marriage and previous marital status –...

Read the full article here.