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Samantha Bangham’s Week in Cases 26 July 2013

Date:26 JUL 2013
Law Reporter

Samantha Bangham - Family Law Reporter This week provided more scintillating footage from the Supreme Court. My personal highlight was of course the swearing in of Baroness Hale of Richmond as Deputy President. As Lord Neuberger reminded viewers this was the first ceremony of its kind since the opening of the Supreme Court involved the swearing in of all of the justices together. One thing we seem to do very well as a nation and as lawyers is a good traditional ceremony and this lived up to all of my expectations. The robes I think are particularly glamorous. In the world of family law there were plenty of cases up for grabs this week.

The first and perhaps most newsworthy case was the Court of Appeal decision in DL v EL (Hague Abduction Convention: Effect of Reversal of Return Order on Appeal) (No 2) [2013] EWCA Civ 865 [2013] FLR forthcoming. I am not ashamed to admit this judgment took a few readings to really get to grips with mainly due...

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