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Samantha Bangham’s Week in Cases 18 October 2013

Date:18 OCT 2013
Law Reporter

Samantha Bangham - Family Law Reporter

This week has been another varied and exciting week for me. Conference season rolls on this week with the Evidence in Child Abuse Conference in Kensington chaired by the Honourable Mr Justice Keehan which was as ever a fascinating event.

For me the most profound session of the conference was that given by Helen Whittle from the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP). As well as sharing some truly shocking examples of child sex-offending behaviour delegates were also reliably informed of the mechanics of the development of offenders and the enormous impact of the internet on offending behaviour. Despite the challenges posed by the internet to law enforcement in this area it was reassuring to learn that it has also assisted greatly in the conviction of child sex offenders and enabled critical evidence to be gathered in the form of digital footprints of online activity. A fascinating insight into such a complex and emotive subject.

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