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Responses to judicial ways of working exercise published

Date:1 FEB 2019
Third slide

The Courts and Tribunal Judiciary has published summary responses relating to the position of crime, civil, family and tribunal courts and the modernisation and reform programme of courts and tribunals.

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Key themes which emerged include the need for new technologies to work and for judges to be properly trained on new systems as well as the need to address staffing levels. The feedback and the continued engagement to come, will ensure that judicial office holders ‘play a vital part in shaping future justice’.

Responses from or on behalf of 10,000 judges, panel members and magistrates were received.

The summary documents can be found here:





Lord Burnett of Maldon, Lord Chief Justice and Sir Ernest Ryder, Senior President of Tribunals said: ‘Modernisation must increase access to justice, increase efficiency and improve the working conditions for all that use the courts and tribunals’.

Source: Press release: Jurisdictional responses to the ‘Judicial Ways of Working’ exercise
