Neil Robinson, Solicitor, Nowell Meller Solicitors and Director, the Mediation Centre, Stafford. There is a growing consensus about the damage caused to children by their separated parents' conflict, and the escalation of this by adversarial litigation (recent reading might range from C Sturge and D Glaser, Contact and Domestic Violence the Experts' Court Report" September [2000] Fam Law 615, and, most recently and compellingly, C Smart, "Parenting Disputes, Gender Conflict and the Courts", a paper presented to the President's Interdisciplinary Conference in September 2005 (to be published in Family Law in 2006). The first article addresses from the child's solicitor's point of view how consensual techniques might be introduced into the court process; the second part, to be published in the February issue of Family Law looks at how an element of direction might be introduced into mediation. See January [2006] Fam Law 48 for the full article.
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