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Researching Reform: Inquiries and investigations looking into allegations of child sexual abuse – where are they now?

Date:3 JUN 2015
An imminent report looking into the scale of child sexual abuse in Britain from Deputy Children’s Commissioner for England Sue Berelowitz is likely to shock the public conscience - Ms Berelowitz claims the evidence shows child abuse is so rife that there is not enough land in the country to build prisons to house all the perpetrators. In the wake of that hugely concerning thought this article looks at current inquiries and investigations into child sexual abuse in the United Kingdom and Jersey and charts their progress.

Whilst ongoing research and the many investigations into child sexual abuse share a common and unfortunate theme they can be broadly divided into three categories: criminal investigations by the police looking into allegations of abuse investigations into cover ups and corruption surrounding child sexual abuse and the nation’s overarching Statutory Inquiry Into Child Sexual Abuse which covers every area and hopes to offer insight on how government bodies failed vulnerable children. Whilst the investigations are in some ways separate there is considerable overlap often as a result...

Read the full article here.