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Researching Reform: Child Abuse Inquiry - Starting block or stumbling block?

Date:3 DEC 2014
Since its inception in July the Independent Panel Inquiry has made several serious but avoidable faux pas and continues to function without a Chair arguably its most vital member. But what else has the Inquiry done to date and is it more of a hindrance than a help in the quest to safeguard Britain’s children from abuse and exploitation?

In a meeting in the House of Commons last Thursday MPs met to discuss the Panel Inquiry and its progress. It was confirmed that the Inquiry had attended two sessions described as listening meetings with survivors of child abuse to hear their thoughts and to take on board other important factors which may aid the inquiry process. A positive move given that the Inquiry has been accused of being insensitive to survivors in the past for failing to include them more robustly in the inquiry process. In addition to weekly conferences being held in the run-up to Christmas the panel also has two scheduled regional get-togethers before the New Year and four further meetings...

Read the full article here.