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PSL Essential Update – October 2016

Date:1 NOV 2016

As another month draws to a close we review what has been happening over the past month. October 2016 has proved to be a busy month both in the Family Law events calendar and in the family law arena generally with a number of published judgments landmark Court of Appeal decisions and FPR amendments to contend with.

FPR Amendments

A number of amendments to the FPR 2010 were came into force in September and October saw some corresponding amendments to the relevant practice directions and further amendments to rule 14.2 of the FPR. Some of these changes are fairly substantial including changes to MIAMs and a new procedure for applications to set aside financial remedy orders. The changes were outlined by our PSL Amy Royce-Greensill here.

New High Court bench appointment

Nicholas Francis QC was appointed a Justice of the High Court assigned to the Family Division this month. At his Chambers 29 Bedford Row The Honourable Mr Justice Francis specialised in high net worth divorce separation and pre- and post-nuptial agreements with many cases involving trusts and an international element. He also once again hosted the flagship Family Law...

Read the full article here.