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Practice Direction 27A: a PD of unintended consequences?

Date:8 DEC 2014
Third slide
Family Dispute Resolution Facilitator
Since the arrival of the IFLA Scheme for financial arbitration of post-separation issues its accredited arbitrators (and numerous other informed commentators) have much vaunted the ability of the parties and their advisers to work with their chosen arbitrator to render the procedure of the process speedier and in many cases less expensive than going to court. And a key component of that is the ability to cut down the production and consequential seemingly instinctively automatic bundling of unnecessary material to keep that exercise proportionate.

So in for example a variation or Sch 1 application why go through the full Form E plus the obligatory Annexures if the case does not demand it or the cost of so doing might swallow up in costs more than the amounts at stake.

Then along with effect from 31 July came a revised PD 27A paragraph 4 ordaining for the future not only dramatic exclusion of a number of...

Read the full article here.