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‘PA’: reluctance, resistance, and refusal – lets lose the pseudo-science

Date:10 JUN 2024
Third slide

Jenny Beck KC (Hon), Founding Director Beck Fitzgerald Solicitors

The article covers the difficult issue of so called ‘parental alienation’. 
Taking a constructive and collaborative approach to problem solving in an area which is complex is always a challenge.  The polarising debates surrounding the complex area of alienating behaviours are particularly difficult to navigate because they have become unnecessarily confused by the application of pseudoscience. The result has been divergent practice and conflicting approaches where there is a real need for firm and fair guidance, consistently applied to draw attention back to the important issue here which is the safety and wellbeing of the children involved in these complex cases. 
There is no credible evidential basis for this pseudo-scientific concept which is an unwelcome distraction and often masks real harm.

The full article has published in the June issue of Family Law



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Read the full article here.