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Open consultation on adult social work knowledge and skills
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The Department for Health is asking for views on what social workers who work with adults need to know and be able to do at the end of their first year in practice.
The Department has issued a
Draft Knowledge and Skills Statement for Social Workers in Adult Services and wants to know if you think the statement will help inform national minimum assessment criteria for social workers in adult services.
The draft statement has been put together by the Chief Social Worker for Adults, following
Professor Croisdale-Appleby’s review of education of social workers with adults.
The consultation is aimed at social workers, local authorities and LA representative bodies, other employers of social workers (private, voluntary and independent), users of social work services and their carers, higher education and further education institutions (HEIs) and their representative bodies.
Your views are sought on whether:
- the right knowledge and skills have been identified (and at the right level);
- there is anything you would like to see added; and
- the proposed national requirements for the assessment of social workers at the end of their assessed year in employment are appropriately designed.
Click here to download the Consultation Response Form.
Please email your completed form to ChiefSocialWorkerforAdults@dh.gsi.gov.uk
or post it to:
Chief Social Worker for Adults
Room 208
Department of Health
Richmond House
79 Whitehall
London SW1A 2NS
The consultation closes at 11.30pm on 12 December 2014, but responses must be received by 5.00pm.