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Number of MIAMs continue to fall

Date:31 MAR 2016
Third slide
Journals Manager + Online Editor
The latest legal aid statistics published today (31 March 2016) show that the number of MIAMs are continuing to fall.

The statistics published by the Ministry of Justice show that the number of MIAMs post-LASPO in the period of October to December 2015 was down by 16% on a year ago. Figures also show that the total number of mediation assessments for the last quarter (2,895) are the lowest since the last quarter of 2013 (2,861). 

According to the statistical bulletin, MIAMs are stabilising at around half of pre-LASPO levels and the number of mediation starts, which initially fell by a similar proportion to assessments following LASPO, have recovered somewhat and are now around 60% of pre-LASPO levels.

The statistical bulletin also shows that there were 308 applications for exceptional case funding (ECF) received between October and December 2015. This is similar to the previous quarter and slightly higher than the equivalent period of 2014.

Family had the second highest (100) ECF applications received for the latest quarter after immigration (110). Of the 100 applications, 45 were granted, 23 refused and 29 rejected. One application is still awaiting determination and two were withdrawn. Overall just over half of all inquest applications were granted. 

The legal aid statistical bulletin is available to download here.
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