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New single CAP order form comes into force today

Date:31 MAR 2016
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Senior Editor

The Family Division has released a new CAP order form that comes into force today, amalgamating all previous versions into one simple form, with a record nine sub-components. Use of this new form is compulsory with immediate effect; all previous versions are now obsolete.

A team of experts has devised the new one-stop CAP order form to ensure that it is straightforward and concise after concerns that the time taken to process previous orders was too lengthy. As the number of CAP orders being made reaches a new peak, the hope is that this will streamline the process of making vital arrangements. The language used in the orders has been carefully selected in order to assist those less familiar with the complexities of making a CAP order. 

Those involved in the consultation process are confident that CAP end-users will benefit hugely from the new CAP orders and that there will be no need to snap back to the old system. The new CAP order form has been praised for its style and improved visual layout. A member of the working group that devised the new CAP order form told Family Law:

‘We have really used our heads to come up with the best design possible for CAP orders and we’re pleased with the result. It is expected that the revised layout will increase the ease and quality of making arrangements. We have been gradually updating the whole CAP order system over the past few months but the new form knocks the old set out of the park.’

Get ahead with the new CAP order form, which is available to download here.

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