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New Masters Course in International Family Law at the University of Queensland run by David Hodson

Date:18 JUL 2019
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Family lawyer

The International Family Law Group LLP Partner and co-founder Prof David Hodson OBE MICArb is running an International Family Law module on a Masters degree course in Current Issues in International Law (Private) at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. The University of Queensland is a world-renowned, highly regarded university and law school, ranked 36th in the world.  It has produced several Chief Justices in Australia. 

Starting next week, the course will cover all international instruments affecting cross-border families, looking at aspects of national and international policy in respect of status, formation and termination of relationships, the protections for children, financial outcomes and other significant concerns.  It will look at how governments and legislatures around the world have dealt with distinctive aspects of international laws where they may conflict with national systems, faith-based systems of law and traditional family life expectations.  It will not be specific to any one jurisdiction but look at national laws in a number of countries and how they deal with international families.  It will challenge and question future policy of law for the increasing number of international families in all countries.
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iFLG partner David Hodson is an English solicitor, mediator, arbitrator, Australian solicitor and barrister, and part-time family court judge in London.  In 2014 he was granted the OBE for ‘services to international family law’.  He is also Visiting Professor at the University of Law and Honorary Professor at the University of Leicester.

David commented ‘My hope is to encourage the Master’s students to ask big questions about the nature of laws for cross-border families and children.  How can very different cultural, ethical, religious, national and international expectations of relationships and gender come together for international families?’

For more information about the course, please contact David Hodson