Our articles are written by experts in their field and include barristers, solicitors, judges, mediators, academics and professionals from a range of related disciplines. Family Law provides a platform for debate for all the important topics, from divorce and care proceedings to transparency and access to justice. If you would like to contribute please email emma.reitano@lexisnexis.co.uk.
A day in the life Of...
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New COVID-19 hub on www.familylaw.co.uk

Date:6 MAY 2020
Third slide

A dedicated hub collating all articles and news stories on COVID-19 has been created on this website, bringing all relevant content together to make it easy for readers to find what they need and stay up to date with developments.

Family Law Awards 2023
Family Law Awards 2023
Winners announced!
Family Court Practice, The
Family Court Practice, The
Order the 2024 edition
Family Law Precedents Service
Family Law Precedents Service
"An essential tool for all family...

As the situation around COVID-19 is moving so quickly, it can be difficult for family law practitioners to keep current with constantly changing developments. Our hub aims to help busy family law practitioners by putting everything in one place for ease of reference.

The page can be found here or under 'News and Comment'.
