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Mr Justice Peel appointed as the National Lead Judge of the Financial Remedies Court

Date:18 MAR 2022
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The President of the Family Division is pleased to announce that, following an Expressions of Interest exercise, Mr Justice Peel will be appointed as the National Lead Judge of the Financial Remedies Court and Judge-in-Charge of Standard Family Orders.

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These appointments will be for four-year terms, with effect from 26 April 2022. The President of the Family Division wishes Mr Justice Peel all the best in his new roles.

In making this announcement, the President wishes to add that 26 April 2022 marks the moment when Mostyn J will hand over each of these two important roles.

Mostyn J has been the pioneer office-holder in both posts. During his time in office, he has achieved so much, and it is true to say that, in the realm of matrimonial finance, the landscape within and around the Family Court has been wholly changed for the better. In both matters of principle and of detail, Mostyn J has led from the front with a devotion to the project that has been without bounds. We all have much to be grateful to him for.
