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‘Modern Families: Learning the legal consequences of different family forms’

Date:16 JAN 2024
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Graeme Fraser Partner and Head of Family BBS Law

‘Modern Families: Learning the legal consequences’ are lesson plans which form an educational resource for use in statutory relationship educations classes rolled out nationally to 14- to 18-year-olds forming part of the PSHE within the National Curriculum. They are designed to assist in dispelling the common law marriage myth among young people. In this article I explain the resource including the topics and themes covered. Pupils receive valuable lessons and a safe space to discuss and explore issues related to relationships and family law. Pupils explore the range of different family forms both mixed-sex and same-sex (including single parent families blended families married couples civil partners cohabiting couples and couples who have a non-binding ceremony). I cover the project’s history including how the lesson plans evolved and the gaining of the PSHE Association Quality Mark. I then explain the positive impact on the classroom community by equipping young people with valuable skills and knowledge to navigate conflicts and relationships in a constructive way. Finally I chart ongoing and...

Read the full article here.