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Mediation Matters: Rejecting the culture of winners and losers
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Love it or hate it the Rugby World Cup is currently captivating millions. Whether they’re watching on TV screens or for those lucky enough to have tickets in stadiums across England and Wales the prospect of glory truly hypnotises.
If the home nations progress through the group stages domestic interest will accelerate to a frenzy. But the one thing that’s for sure is come the Final on 31 October there will be just one winner who’ll take it all as the song has it.
Major sporting tournaments have existed for generations but fuelled by 24 hour news and online media today’s hype surrounding speculation of ‘who’ll win’ is unprecedented.
It’s strengthened further by omnipresent betting website adverts which somehow encourage millions of people to believe they can easily achieve a durable victory with a single click on the mobile that simply pours cash into the bookies’ coffers.
Read the full article here.