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Lifetime reporting restriction for survivor of child sex exploitation

Date:9 JUL 2015
Third slide
Solicitor Advocate

Reporting restrictions and child sex exploitation

The two judgments of Keehan J in child sexual exploitation (CSE) and later reporting restrictions order (RRO) cases provide food for thought on a variety of aspects of family law human rights and jurisdictional law (extent of a High Court judge’s inherent jurisdiction). The second of the two cases  Birmingham City Council v Riaz AB and Others [2015] EWHC 1857 (Fam) [2015] 2 FLR (forthcoming) and the case under consideration here raises the following questions:
  • Is the High Court entitled in exceptional circumstances to make a life-time reporting restrictions order (‘RRO’) to restrict publicity for the adult life of a child say a survivor of CSE; and if so
  • What types of facts and back-ground might justify such an order?
In December 2014 in  Birmingham City Council v Riaz and Others [2014] EWHC 4247 (Fam) [2015] 2 FLR (forthcoming) the first of the two cases Keehan J made an...

Read the full article here.