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Learning from research: time to reset the approach to parents with a learning disability

Date:23 JUL 2024
Third slide
Dr Mary Baginsky King’s College London

Celestine Greenwood Barrister Exchange Chambers

Research on The role of adult social care for parents with learning disabilities when a child is no longer in their care has raised important questions for practice. It was evident soon into the project that it would be necessary to look at what was happening earlier on. After extensive discussions across social care law health and advocacy and in-depth case studies working with all professionals in contact with parents with a learning disability as well as parents it became evident that in too many cases support that was required had not been provided. Its provision was not only thwarted by a disconnect between services but by the guidance that is in place. While laudable in theory Good practice guidance on working with parents with a learning disability was drafted over 16 years ago and despite being updated on two occasions this was not by the government departments that first published it. Both the previous and the present President of the Family Division have commended its use and it has been cited in a number of high level and authoritative cases. However many social...

Read the full article here.