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Interim Chair of CAFCASS board appointed

Date:10 MAR 2020
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Sally Cheshire (CBE) has been appointed by the Secretary of State as the Interim Chair of the Cafcass Board. Following Edward Timpson’s resignation in December, Sally has been undertaking duties normally managed by the Chair. She will now officially step into the role as Interim Chair.

Sally’s term of office will run until 30 June 2020 whilst a recruitment campaign is carried out to fill the position on a permanent basis.

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To find out more about Sally’s experience and background please visit Cafcass's management page.

Cafcass Chief Executive, Jacky Tiotto said: “We would like to thank Sally for taking on the responsibility of Interim Chair of the Cafcass Board. Sally has a range and breadth of experience which is already proving invaluable to us. She is deeply interested in our work and with board colleagues is holding us to account so that we continue to improve and sustain an outstanding service to the children and families with whom we work. I look forward to working with Sally throughout the interim period and beyond.”
