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Impact of Budget changes on family cases
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Whilst all eyes were anticipated to be on the Budget George Osborne’s thunder was stolen somewhat by the activities of the Federal Reserve and attention turned to Washington as the Fed’s pledge to be 'patient' before raising interest rates was dropped.
The March 2015 Budget might be seen as a political statement with Conservative strategists wanting Mr Osborne to set the tone for the general election campaign. So whilst it is the Chancellor’s sixth Budget the objective might be said to be closely aligned with a political message and the focus appears to remain the state of Britain’s public finances and getting the deficit down. So perhaps this Budget should be viewed as one whose objective is political impact given the polls place the Conservatives and Labour neck and neck.
The headline issues which may have impact for family lawyers and financial remedy cases include:
(a) The pension pot lifetime allowance is cut from £1.25m to £1m...
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