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Hints, hails and trails … but little delivery on family law policy change

Date:30 OCT 2019
Third slide
Chief Executive, NFM

So… the Parliamentary Bill aimed at reforming divorce laws is back on the table. Hurrah.

That means change is imminent right? Hang on. No it doesn’t. And the omens are not positive.

Two things jump to mind: at the time of writing the Bill has had its first reading the House of Lords with its next consideration by Peers yet to be scheduled. Then it will need to go back to MPs in the House of Commons. That won’t happen overnight.

The second reason for caution is the looming general election. Now I believe there is growing consensus and momentum for no-fault divorce so I’m not suggesting an election would necessarily jeopardise long-overdue reform. But these days only a fool predicts politics! Who knows what impact the make-up of a new intake of MPs - possibly combined with a new government keen to promote different priorities in limited Parliamentary time - might have.

Make no mistake those of us who have long campaigned for no-fault divorce had better bed in for that campaign to continue for some time yet.

Family mediators and those working in other areas of family law have...

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