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Flexible emotional concepts or fixed entities– interpreting the Children and Adoption Act 2002: Re YP

Date:28 SEP 2022
Third slide

Mary Welstead CAP Fellow Harvard Law School; Visiting Professor in Family law University of Buckingham

In 1961 Elvis Presley sang:

‘Home is where the heart is

And my heart is anywhere you are

Anywhere you are is home

I don't need a mansion on a hill.

In Re YP Mrs Justice Arbuthnot might well have cited the above words prior to reaching the conclusion that the word home was a flexible and emotional concept rather than a fixed physical entity. According to the judge a person could be said to have a home with those with whom he or she enjoyed an ongoing familial relationship even if they did not share the same physical space. The judge also interpreted the phrase living together in an enduring relationship in a liberal manner thus adding her input to the progressive judicial rewriting of the Adoption and Children Act 2002. By constructing the legislation in a purposive manner ...

Read the full article here.