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Family Law's top 10 articles of 2014

Date:23 DEC 2014
Top ten most read family law articles of 2014Clockwise from top left: Family Law Awards 2014  Family Law redesign Family Law coffee mugs  The Red Book – Prime reading material  DIY Divorce  Family Court seal new Jordans logo  Red Book competition winner – ‘“A people’s army has no rival” – and neither it seems to us does the Red Book.’ and the new Central Family Court.

What a year 2014 has been for family law. We have hardly had chance to take it all in with the tidal wave of reforms in April and thereafter the constant trickle of working group reports draft standard orders and guidance. With so much happening Family Law has had a lot to cover. Here is our run-down of the top 10 articles across the year.

1. The Children and Families Act 2014 – essential update

The fourth...

Read the full article here.