Our articles are written by experts in their field and include barristers, solicitors, judges, mediators, academics and professionals from a range of related disciplines. Family Law provides a platform for debate for all the important topics, from divorce
and care proceedings to transparency and access to justice. If you would like to contribute please email
Family Law Awards 2016 nominations deadline extended
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The deadline for nominations for the Family Law Awards 2016 has been extended to Friday, 10 June. Nominate someone now at familylawawards.com.There are 21 award categories this year, including the newly added categories for Regional Chambers of the Year in addition to London Chambers of the Year. The Family Law firm of the Year has been expanded to Family Law Regional Firm of the Year and has been split into five regions: London, Midlands, North, South and Wales. For more details visit our Regional Awards page.Three of the awards will be decided by the family law community, t
he shortlist and winners for the remaining awards will be chosen by a judging panel made up of the heads of the Family Law Bar Association, Resolution, Chartered Institute of Legal Executives,
and the Association of Lawyers for Children, along with Family Law editors and publishing executives.This year’s Family Law Awards will be held on Wednesday, 23 November 2016 at the Bloomsbury Big Top, one of the most unique and exclusive event venues in London. Tickets are now available to purchase from the Awards website either individually at £175 + VAT or you can book a table of 10. All previous Family Law Awards ceremonies have sold out, so book early to avoid disappointment.
For a full list of Awards please visit www.familylawawards.com
For information on sponsoring the Family Law Awards, please call Dan Jones, Sponsorship Manager on +44 (0)117 917 5134 or email sponsorship@familylaw.co.uk.
Join the conversation about the Awards on Twitter using the hashtag: #famlawawards
Family Law Conference 2016
The most important conference in family law
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