A number of recommendations in the Family Justice Review related to the need to better disseminate relevant research and good practice throughout the Family Justice System.
The Government Response to the review accepted these recommendations. It committed to work with the Family Justice Board to facilitate the provision of social research evidence to family justice practitioners and wider stakeholders. The Family Justice Research and Analysis team in Ministry of Justice Analytical Services are supporting this through developing the Family Justice Knowledge Hub Bulletin.
The Research Bulletin aims to provide a summary of the findings of recent research relevant to family justice, and an update on the progress of noteworthy ongoing and forthcoming projects. Where available links to fuller information are provided.
This bulletin includes recently published public law studies and ongoing studies both in private and public law in England and Wales. An international section has also been introduced to cater for a wider audience. By incorporating research and evidence from beyond the UK the Government hopes to strengthen its knowledge of good practice abroad and generate a more international discussion on family justice issues.
Feedback on this bulletin is welcome. Additionally, suggestions for any research for inclusion in future bulletins or to add a recipient on to the mailing list please email knowledgehub@justice.gsi.gov.uk.
The bulletin is available to download here.