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ESF support for families with multiple problems: Dec 2011 to July 2014
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The European Social Fund Support for Families with Multiple Problems (ESF Families programme) was launched in December 2011 and is due to run until March 2015. It supports disadvantaged families, facing multiple barriers to work, to move closer towards and into sustainable employment. The programme is funded by the 2007–2013 European Social Fund (ESF) programme in England, under DWP’s arrangements to act as one of the Co-Financing Organisations.
These official statistics cover the period from start of provision (December 2011) up to July 2014 and show:
- attachments (the number of individual participants);
- progress measures (where a participant completes a prescribed set of activities to help overcome particular problems); and
- sustained job outcomes.
The main figures for this period are:
- 56,160 attachments;
- 48,190 progress measures achieved by 22,840 participants; and
- 2,810 sustained job outcomes.
Click here to view the official statistics.
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