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Divorce: valuation of business assets and tracing hidden assets – the key facts

Date:13 DEC 2017
Third slide
Partner & Forensic Accountant

1. What is a forensic accountant’s role in divorce proceedings?

A forensic accountant has a number of functions. If they are the single joint expert (SJE) in the context of divorce proceedings, their job is usually going to be to value one or more of the parties’ business assets.

In other circumstances, a forensic accountant may be engaged by one party alone, but as noted below it is usually preferable to have an SJE, as approved by the court.

Other matters a forensic accountant might be asked about include the consideration of tax implications associated with the valuation and disposal of jointly held assets or to look into suspicions that financial assets may have been hidden by one or both parties (asset tracing).

Read the full article here.

Rayden Solicitors