The Family Law editorial board have shown no signs of slowing down for the Christmas break and provide you with another bumper issue of Family Law including all of the latest news cases and legislation.
In the case reports of particular importance is the commentary on the hotly-awaited Supreme Court decision in Re A (Jurisdiction: Return of Child) [2013] UKSC 60 [2014] FLR forthcoming. Readers will recall that this case concerned an application for a return order in respect of four children held by their father in Pakistan. The main issue was in relation to the youngest child who had been born in Pakistan and had never stepped foot in England while the three older siblings had all lived in England prior to their retention in Pakistan. In the High Court the application was granted but it was overturned by the Court of Appeal on the issue of the youngest child’s return due to the fact he had never been physically present in England. The Supreme Court allowed the...
Read the full article here.