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David Hodson on International Family Law: New EU law on domestic violence

Date:13 JUN 2014
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Family lawyer

The EU has introduced a law in force in January 2015 giving significant cross-EU powers and orders for the victims of domestic violence and others needing protective measures. This is a culmination of excellent work in respect of domestic abuse over many years by the EU in the Daphne project.

The European Civil Protection Regulation (606 of 2013) of 12 June 2013 applies from 11 January 2015. Its long title is the EU Regulation on Mutual Recognition of Protection Measures in Civil Matters.

“Protection measures” is referred to in a number of EU family law and civil law Regulations including Brussels II and the Maintenance Regulation. It covers injunctions interlocutory orders to preserve the status quo interim measures and similar.

But in this context it is specifically defined in Article 3.1 as any decision including a court order made in a member state imposing obligations on a person causing a risk with a view to protecting another person when the latter’s physical or psychological integrity...

Read the full article here.