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Court Bundles (PD 27A) - essential update

Date:16 APR 2014

Family Law special issue

It's what we've all been waiting for ... OK it probably isn't but we have a new version of the Practice Direction on bundles and you still need to know what to put in them. The moral of the story is (amongst other things) keep it to the essentials and don't put too much in. I can empathise with this having once watched an exasperated judge hold up his bundle at the start of a hearing only for all the pages to fall out on his desk. Not the best way to begin.

In a nutshell:

The President has issued the new version of Practice Direction to achieve consistency in the world of the Family Court bundle. Practice Direction 27A - Family Proceedings: Court Bundles (Universal Practice to be Applied in the High Court and Family Court) gives details...

Read the full article here.