Confidence and Confidentiality: Improving Transparency and Privacy in Family Courts, (CP 11/06) available on For further details see August [2006] Fam Law 620. Consultation closes 30 October 2006.
Mental Capacity Act 2005: Court of Protection and Office of the Public Guardian fees (CP 23/06) available on For further details see October [2006] Fam Law 898. Consultation closes 29 November 2006.
Family Procedure Rules a new procedural code for family proceedings (CP 19/06) available on For further details see October [2006] Fam Law 824. Consultation closes 1 December 2006.
Separate Representation of Children (CP 20/06) available on the DCA website at For further details see October [2006] Fam Law 825. Consultation closes 8 December 2006.
Care Matters: Transforming the lives of children and young people in care (Cm 6932) available on For further details see November [2006] Fam Law 991. Consultation closes 15 January 2007.
The Chief Medical Officer's report Bearing Good Witness: Proposals for reforming the delivery of medical expert evidence in family law cases (Department of Health) is available on For further details see Newswatch above. Consultation closes 28 February 2007.