A leading group of experts on child welfare have called in a letter to The Times of 12 June 2007 for the establishment of an interministerial group to spearhead a new cross-departmental approach for families that are separating or have separated: 'This would bring advice, information and support services together to promote the best outcomes for children and for their parents. The active, positive and safe engagement of both parents to support their children after separation would be at its heart. The Government has an opportunity to fill a need that has been neglected for too long, and by combining resources and expertise across departments it has the means to achieve this. Early and comprehensive child-centred support and guidance to parents when they separate will provide benefits felt by children today and by the families they raise in the future'. To see the letter go to http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/debate/letters/article1917487.ece