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Changes made to family procedure rules

Date:14 NOV 2018
Third slide

Amendments are made to Family Procedure Rules, which is made up of 40 parts, with supporting Practice Directions, which set out the practice and procedure to be followed in family proceedings in the High Court and the family court in England and Wales. The Rules will come into force on 10 December 2018.

Amendments are made to the Family Procedure Rules 2010, SI 2010/2955 to:

• incorporate principles concerning use of the Welsh language, established in the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011 and the Welsh Language Act 1993, into rules of court, that the Welsh language has official status in Wales and that in any legal proceedings in Wales the Welsh language may be used by any person who desires to use it

• define proceedings in another jurisdiction and make provision for the circumstances in which proceedings in another jurisdiction will be continuing

• enabling hearings of appeals which would otherwise be in private to be in public if the appeal court so orders, with power for the court to impose restrictions on publication of information relating to the proceedings if appropriate

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