Our articles are written by experts in their field and include barristers, solicitors, judges, mediators, academics and professionals from a range of related disciplines. Family Law provides a platform for debate for all the important topics, from divorce
and care proceedings to transparency and access to justice. If you would like to contribute please email
CCMS website gets a facelift
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Client and Cost Management System (CCMS) website has been redesigned and updated following an analysis of feedback from providers and advocates to make it simpler for you to find what you need as quickly and efficiently as possible.
What’s new?
The homepage has more quick links, taking you directly to:
- masterclass booking pages
- tip of the week
- the latest email update
- frequently asked questions
- hints and tips
- system availability information.
There is also a direct link to the Online Portal: ‘
LAA Online – Portal Sign In’.
What’s the same?
The Legal Aid Agency (LAA) has refreshed the content, but the structure of the website remains largely the same, with tabs across the top of the home page. These direct you to key information.
Quick guides and training resources
The LAA has focused on making it easier for you to find the guidance you need. This now appears:
- alphabetically;
- by category; and
- with content descriptions.
The LAA has also put all of its training resources on one page. These include information on:
- masterclasses, including the new recorded masterclasses;
- Q&A sessions; and
- library of past email updates.
Click here if you wish to provide further feedback.
Emergency Remedies in the Family Courts
"A very good tool for the busy family lawyer"...
Family Court Practice, The
Order the 2024 edition
Financial Remedies Handbook
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