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Cafcass publishes equality, diversity and inclusion strategic objectives

Date:29 OCT 2021
Third slide
The Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (Cafcass) has launched its equality, diversity and inclusion strategic objectives that will guide the development of the ‘Equality, Diversity and Inclusion’ strategy to be launched in 2022. Cafcass sets out the new objectives, which include improved data and insight into protected characteristics, focusing on leaders and managers being inclusive in their leadership, improving the progression, recruitment, retention, and development of those who work for Cafcass to achieve greater diversity, and discussing race culture and heritage for more skilled and confident practitioners.

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Strategic lead for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Cafcass, Julie Brown, commented: ‘Our new equality, diversity and inclusion objectives provide a clear direction of travel for the organisation over the next three years, and I look forward to seeing the difference we have made by 2024.'

The strategies and delivery priorities can be found here.
