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Cafcass publishes annual report and accounts 2013-14
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The Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (Cafcass) have published their annual report and accounts for 2013-14.
The below key points are taken from the Cafcass website.
- We worked with 142,711 children and young people across England.
- We received 10,606 care applications, a 4.5% decrease on 2012-13. This is in contrast to previous increases: 8.35 in 2012-12, 11.4% in 2011-12, 4.2% in 2010-11, and 36% in 2009-10.
- We received a rating of ‘good’ in our first single national inspection by Ofsted, with ‘outstanding’ leadership and governance.
- During 2013-14, the number of unallocated care cases has never exceeded 0.3% of the total stock of open care cases, with care cases being allocated to a Children’s Guardian in less than one working day on average.
- Private law applications rose 2% from 46,465 in 2012-2013 to 22,723 in March 2014. This is the highest ever annual total for private law cases received.
- Attendance at Separated Parents Information Programmes continued with the same numbers as last year, with 19,000 adults attending
- Sickness absence was 7.3 days on average for practitioners (a decrease from 7.4 days in 2012-13) and 7.0 for all staff (unchanged from 2012-13). Our sickness absence levels are amongst the lowest in the wider public sector.
- This reports notes that from April 2014 sponsorship of Cafcass transferred from DfE to MoJ.
The full report is available to download